Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I DID NOT put flour in my husband's coffee the other morning as he hurriedly ran out the door 15 minutes late, and as I saw the sugar in the cabinet, and the flour on the counter I most certainly called him and told him, right?? That's what a good wife would do!! HA HA, I certainly wouldn't have laughed hysterically when he called to tell me about "my mistake". I'm more apologetic then that.

I DID NOT tip toe to our bedroom after leaving my husband sleeping soundly on the couch when going to bed in fear he'd ask for sex. I would NEVER do that. I ALWAYS cater to his needs.

I DID NOT pass gas in line at Target, then turn around and blame it on my 4 year old who subsequently turned to me and said "No, Mama, that was you remember"? I would have taken ultimate responsibility. After all, I am the adult right??

Last but not least, I DID NOT proudly wear a wet spot on my shirt while going into Target for nursing pads. When daunted about the wet spot I DID NOT proudly announce "I breastfeed" smile, and carry on. I would have at least put something in my bra before leaving the house to prevent a leak. *shaking head*

1 comment:

  1. With six kids I'm sure you do your fair share of catering to his needs. As for myself I "never" let my husband go to bed alone so I can stay up and enjoy some quiet time on the computer.
