Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I certainly DID NOT buy 3 beautiful Blueberry OS coveralls and 3SR OS Mutt's for my Madi who's ALMOST potty trained just because they were adoreable and I couldn't pass them up. Seriously, who could resist Madi in a cow print blueberry with nothing but her John Deere boots on?? Nevermind the fact that she ONLY wears them to bed.
I DID NOT lie for the kids yesterday when daddy asked if they picked all their toys up so they could eat dinner and have a cookie afterwards, just because I couldn't bare to see them upset when daddy would tell them they weren't getting a cookie then. In that, I DID NOT run in there and put their toys in their toy box and shove the rest under their beds as my husband came walking down the hallway. When he asked what I was doing, I DID NOT lie to him and tell him "I'm wondering if I should vaccum their floor now, or if it could wait til the morning??" to which he DID NOT reply, "Babe, you've done more than your share today, let's wait".
I DID NOT put BM in my husband's coffee cause we were out of milk and Cody had drank the rest of the creamer. Yeah, don't ask. Cody likes creamer. It's not allowed, but he does it anyway. After all, who am I to tell him not to drink the Southern Pecan creamer?? Seriously!! LOL Oh, and if your wondering, my husband LOVED the coffee! HAHA He's lactose intolerant anyway, so it's good for him!!
Last but not least, I DID NOT walk out of my bedroom to find my husband and kids eating cookies, and when I suddenly realized the only cookies we had in the house were lactation cookies, I DID NOT allow them to finish their cookies before I told them what they were. In that, I DID NOT secrety wish my husband would start lactating so HE could feed Paisley and I could catch a break!! LOL NOT ME!!
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