Friday, January 29, 2010


I've always believed in standing up for what you believe, but haven't always put forth what I believed.

That's a lot of believing huh?

Well to be honest, there's a lot I believe.

To give you a little insight into me, I'm gonna tell you about my beliefs.

By any means, I don't expect you to believe in everything I do, it makes for a healthy relationship, but I do ask that you respect my views. I will as well respect yours.

I believe in God first & foremost
I believe in family
I believe in Jesus died on the cross for us.
I believe in life, & that it's only God's right to take it.
I believe in rights. That it's an individuals right to choose things they believe. Even when I don't share the same view.
I believe in church on Sunday. Awana on wednesday.
I believe in love.
I believe if you look through the eyes of a child you will see innocence in the world.
I believe in 4H&FFA.
I believe in strength. If you dig down, way down, you'll find your inner strength.
I believe breast is best.
I believe that a child is a gift to be treasured.
I believe sometime's God has to put us on our knees to teach us how to pray.
I believe in honesty.
I believe in forgiveness, even when it hurts.
I believe in treating others the way you want to be treated.
I believe in long talks & slow kisses.
I believe in standing up for what you believe no matter what the cost. Never wavering off your path.

I truely believe, it's better to be hated for who you are, than be loved for who your not.

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