Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N

I'm a Christian! Whatever that means. I know for some people that's easy to say, but that's something I've always struggled with. The whole act of saying it hasn't always been hard, but it's not always come easy. I've had those troubles of caring what others thought. Not only if I confessed I was a Christian, but also if I were to "act" like a Christian. I'm not saying "act" as in terms of a play or rehearsal, but more in the means of, I smoke, I've had my share of faults (more, I'll touch on later) I've spat my share of cuss words, and I had a child out of wedlock. *Gasp* That's the brutal truth.

See, I've been afraid of judgement. Afraid of what others might think, so I've chose not to disclose those 3 words. "I'm a Christian".Christians were sure to judge me. Now, I understand it's human nature to judge. It's an evil character in us al l. But I know in my heart of hearts as a human being, I also have feelings. I hurt, I cry, and am like so many others in that aspect. Unfortunately, we don't always stop to think about others. About what they might think or feel. Sometimes we don't care, but I do and that's what has made it so hard. But from here on out, I'm gonna build the strength, find the will, and embrace those words.

1 comment:

  1. We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us!

    And hey...I had a child out of wedlock too! I placed her for adoption 15 1/2 years ago!
