Monday, May 18, 2009

Not me!! Monday...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I DID NOT take my 4 mo. old daughter into the bathroom last night to nurse her because she was hungry and well, I had to potty!! That is SO un-sanitary, and just plain YUCK!!

I DID NOT put Ryan's shoes on the wrong feet while he's telling me they're on the wrong feet and then several minutes later when I realize this proceed to ask him why he didn't tell me this. I would NEVER have done that. Parents always listen to their children!!

I DID NOT squeeze Paisley into the last 2 size 1 diapers before putting her in size 2's because I couldn't see wasting 2 measly diapers! On the same hand I DID NOT put Madison into a size 6 and after comming to this conclusion, leave her in it and exclaim that a 6 fits just like a 3 that I couldn't tell the difference. *shaking head*

Last but not least, I DID NOT allow Cody to continue drawing on the wall with a sharpie marker because I was on the phone with the state and couldn't bear yelling "Quit drawing on the wall with a marker" while talking to them. In doing that, I wouldn't have not care because were painting their room this weekend anyway. Nah!! Not Me!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the sharpie got me. Please, please tell me that paint will cover that! Thanks for your candid tales of motherhood! :)
